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Amanita Muscaria – The Other Magic Mushroom
Posted on Aug 28 in Bud News, Culture, Legal Bud Reviews, Legal Budsby Frater OzPrint

Most people interested in altered states of consciousness have tried or at least heard of mushrooms. Common psychedelic ‘shrooms like B+ and Golden Teacher get their psychoactive properties from a chemical called Psilocybin, which, in the United States, Canada and most of Europe is a class 1 scheduled drug and illegal to possess or distribute.
There is another mushroom, Amanita Muscaria, that contains no psilocybin, yet still produces altered states. Classified as a deliriant; Psychedelic it’s psychoative properties come from the chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. It produces a distinctly different trip than psilocybin mushrooms. It’s commonly referred to as the Fly Agaric mushroom or the Fly Amanita mushroom.
The iconic mushroom’s distinct red top with white dots is widely known as the mushroom responsible for Alice’s trip into Wonderland, can be seen across the lawns of America next to ceramic garden gnomes and other lawn decor.
According to trip reports and personal experience Amanita Muscaria tends to create 2 distinct phases after ingesting. The first phase begins with distorted visuals, trails, and a strong desire to sleep. The second phase feels wakeful and energetic but fine motor skills and balance are way off. The entire trip has a very strong mental element and huge amounts of time distortion.
Caution: It’s a bit tricky to get the dosing of Amanita just right. My recommendation is to start with 3-4 grams and move up as its easy to take too much and have a very strong reaction. Its also important to prepare your mushroom correctly since not doing so can cause massive stomach upset as with most mushroom experiences. Ready to follow in Alice’s foot steps? Click here