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Dro (Legal Bud Review)
Posted on Oct 22 in Legal Bud Reviewsby Frater OzPrint

Dro- Legal Bud Review
If you’ve come to expect a harsh pull from the legal buds and herbal smokes, this bud will surprise you. Unlike most herbal buds, Dro- has a smooth and almost sweet taste. I know, there is nothing worse than packing your pipe full of a luscious nug of legal buds, only to find it has a monster harsh and rough taste. Have no fears on Dro- though, this legal bud gets big five stars on the taste.
On top of the smooth drag this legal bud also has soft and pleasant aroma. If you have tried some of the lower quality legal buds out there, then you know some have that heavy smell of incense. Not Dro- bud. I packed on of the buds in my hookah and after lighting the room was filled with a pleasant aroma like some other buds you may have smelled. This is one of those legal buds that you can feel comfortable smoking anywhere.
Dro- legal buds effects are smooth and relaxing. Non of that dizzy headache feeling the low quality legal buds give you. Dro- is an excellent legal to bud to pack into your water pipe or hookah, sit back, spark up and chill.
Overall this legal bud is very impressive. It is a beautiful full nug legal bud, with a soft pull, sweet taste, pleasant smell and chill effects after smoking. I can recommend this legal bud as a solid 5 star bud.
Dro Bud
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