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Our Legal Bud Reviews
Posted on Sep 20 in Bud Newsby Frater OzPrint

Our legal bud reviews are base on a set of five criteria. Not all legal buds are the same, so we pick a variety and use criteria that can be applied to all our legal bud reviews.
Criteria #1 for our bud reviews…
What does it look like?
When doing our legal bud reviews both the appearance of the bud as well as the texture are taken into account. The legal bud should be well formed, look like its name – you know, BUD and shouldn’t be overly dry. We also look for the buds to be slightly tacky (as in sticky not like your gramma’s wallpaper). This ensures a more natural smoke. Legal Buds that have been dried for too long don’t roll or pack well, smoke well or hold up in shipping. Over dry product ends up a crumbled, overpriced mess. Color and presentation are evaluated too. We like to take into account whether the product actually resembles a natural nug or if it looks like over dried oregano in a plastic baggie. Often times, we have found there is a direct correlation between quality of product and quality of packaging. If the packaging looks professionally printed and sealed, more often than not, the legal bud will be of higher quality as well with is noted in the legal bud review.
Criteria #2 for selecting the best legal buds…
What does it smell like before you smoke it?
Legal buds are also known as herbal smoke and herbal incense, so the smell should be, well … herbal. Often times legal buds have a potent odor likened to dried flowers, a hookah lounge or tea shop. THIS IS GOOD! What herbal smoke should not smell like is chemicals. If you notice an artificial smell or a chemical cleaner type smell I would avoid smoking that product. In our legal bud reviews we look for natural, floral, sweet and savory smells. I like it when the product comes in a resealable container since the smell is sometimes very strong. A strong odor isn’t necessarily bad if its a strong odor of herbs. Keep a nose out for a rubbing alcohol, ammonia or chemical smell. And just a reminder – herbal smoke does not smell like marijuana.
Criteria #3 for weeding out the fake herbal smokes…
What does it taste like while your smoking it?
Every smokable product whether cigars, legal buds or cigarettes has a flavor both while you are smoking and the after taste that lingers on the palate. Quality legal buds should have a myriad of flavors and should resemble the aroma of its pre – lit state. It should be an enjoyable smoking experience. Often the smoke is a bit harsh but the harshness can be cut by using a vaporizer or water pie. Fake herbal smokes will have a chemical smell, an especially harsh smoke and a nasty after-taste and may burn your eyes. We have taken the beating for you! Smoked a shit load of nasty product so you don’t have to. I’ll probably get some weird ass form of lung cancer from all the shitty, chemical sprayed legal bud I’ve smoked. So check out our legal bud reviews to stay safe and get a good bud.
Criteria #4 used in writing our legal bud reviews….
What does it smell like when it’s lit?
Lit legal buds should have an aroma of incense with an undertone of a marijuana-like smell. Not at all unappealing. This should be an aromatic, enjoyable scent that permeates the room. Fake legal buds will smell like you just poured gas on the front lawn and set it on fire. It’s nasty and you’ll notice a difference. You don’t need to be a legal bud connoisseur, like me, to tell what is crap and what isn’t. We’re here to help direct you to the right products through our legal bud reviews.
Criteria #5 for selecting solid legal buds…
What effects does it have during and after you smoke it?
There are a few things legal buds should definitely do; They should give you a pleasant feeling. This feeling should be mildly euphoric. This relaxed state should last between 20 min to an hour. There are a few things legal herbal smoke can do and should not. You should not have a headache when you come down from your relaxed state. You should not have sore or burning lungs. You shouldn’t have a sore throat. Positive effects are achieved through good products and quality ingredients. Bad side effects are avoided by purchasing the good stuff. It’s that easy and all reflected in our legal bud reviews.
Be sure to check out our legal bud reviews category for all our bud reviews!
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- High Times Legal Bud Reviews