Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013
Blue Lotus Flower

Thursday, August 22, 2013
What is Kratom?

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Dutch Haze Review

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Legal Bud Splice Review

Friday, April 27, 2012
Krypto Bud Review

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Panama Gold Bud VS. Black Mamba Incense

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dro (Legal Bud Review)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Roll-Your-Own Legal Bud Kit

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Blueberry Bud (Review)

Up Up And Hump Day (25 Photos)
Half way through the week for our wage slave friends. Let's celebrate with some Hump Day photos. Light up those buds, chill out and feast your eyes on the female form in all it's...
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Top 5 Legal Highs
Looking to get high legally? Who needs the stress of drug test and buying illicit drugs. Let's explore the top 5 ways you can get high legally. We start off with Herbal Smoke. The #1 legal high. Safe, effective passes a drug test and no legal worries from using...
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Free Marc Emery
Marc Emery is a Canadian businessman and political activist who owned and operated Cannabis Culture Magazine, Pot-TV, the BC Marijuana Party, and Marc Emery's Cannabis Culture Headquarters (previously the BCMP Bookstore, and HEMP BC before that.) He was also the world's most famous marijuana seed retailer and the biggest...
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Herb Incense
Herb Incense is a mixture of botanical herbs that have a psychotropic effect producing a mild euphoria. Most are not addictive and can not be tested for in standard drug test. Herb incense can be purchased online and sometimes be found in head...
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What Is A Vaporizer
With an array of models boasting a wide range of features at vastly differing prices, the current vaporizer market can be confusing-but it doesn't have to be. Selecting the "best" vaporizer for you is about matching the available units with your personal toking preferences. For at least ten thousand years,...
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Dutch Haze Review
To date this legal bud review is the worst. Scoring the lowest in all categories. Dutch Haze Review. This review is short and sweet. Shit. Not much more needs to be said. Total shit. Evidently we aren't the only ones. Watch this guy below do his Dutch Haze Review....
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May 2012 List Of Medical Marijuana States
As of May 2012 16 states and DC that have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana. Marijuana is still banned throughout the USA at the federal level with no expectations of...
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Jimmy Kimmel Puts Obama On The Spot
While delivering his remarks at the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner, comedian Jimmy Kimmel addressed the issue of marijuana legalization. "What is with the marijuana crackdown? Seriously, what is the concern? We will deplete the nation's Funyun supply?" Kimmel said. "Pot smokers vote too. Sometimes a week after the election,...
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2012 L.A. Cannabis Cup Winners
Thanks to High Times for hosting this event. There was a variety of events lined up for the eclectic crowd, ranging from an art show with live painting, how-to-grow seminars, music, foodtrucks and lounging areas. However, the highlight of the event was the glorious amount of bud on hand courtesy...
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420 Girls Demonstrate Dispensary Etiquette
Music video of 420 Girls smoking Medical Marijuana. Charlie and Celeste act out a patient/clerk skit inside a medical Marijuana...
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Legal Bud Splice Review
Splice comes in four varieties; Original, Platinum, XXXX and Green. For this review we concentrate on Splice Original. Splice, like a herbal incense, can be smoked on it's own or mixed with another type of legal bud. To experience it in it's pure form and get a good taste for...
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This Hump Day We Celebrate Bikini’s (35 Photos)
Celebrating hump day with the art of booty in bikinis. 35 photos from the Bikini Reef contest for your visual...
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Student Drug Testing Is An Epic Fail
In recent years, the US Department of Education has awarded tens of millions in taxpayer dollars to fund controversial student drug-testing programs in public high schools. The result? Teens who attend schools with “suspicionless” drug-screening programs possess fewer civil liberties than their peers – and are no less likely to...
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Crackdown On Boulder 420 Gathering
April 20th has become an unofficial marijuana enthusiast's holiday. And one of the major events traditionally held at University of Colorado Boulder's Norlin Quad. After more than 10,000 people attended last year's marijuana rally on Norlin Quadrangle, university officials decided this year to ramp up police presence and to apply...
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Hot Stoner Chicks (10 Photos)
How do we appreciate hot stoner girls? Let me count the ways....10 hot stoner chicks enjoying the buds for some Monday morning eye...
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Legal Bud Kitchen
Legal bud is a sensual enhancer that fits seamlessly into the foodie lifestyle, heightening your entire experience, from deciding on produce to cooking, plating and eating (and possibly even washing the dishes). The most important difference between eating legal buds and smoking it is the intensity and type of high...
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