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Passing Drug Test: Myths Exposed
Posted on Mar 23 in Cultureby Frater OzPrint

Plenty of individuals are having an issue when it comes to drug testing at work. Some people are guilty, some individuals are not. Your career or your future is at stake. Becuase of drug testing, many people might lose their employment; several people will not be taken on in any company and mountain of unfavorable consequences. You have to be careful with the different methods that you will find on how to pass a drug test.
Are you familiar with THC? THC is a form of fat soluble. These THCs are stacked up in the fat cells of the body. It is said that it is very difficult to get rid of or clean these out. There are a mountain of herbal products available in the market that states they can clean your body only the truth is you can simply clean your body for a short time. According to some people or experts, the single way to remove the THC drug from your fat cell is through by exercise and consuming some products that allows a detoxification process to occur.
Here are several instances of false home remedies in getting rid of the THC from your body.
- Water – it is recommended to drink lots of liquid particularly water before undergoing a drug test. Many individuals are drinking tons of water many days before of the test. This is not effective because the THC is not soluble.
- Diuretics – this is a kind of liquid that will let you to urinate often. Some models of diuretics are coffee, juices, beer, iced tea and soda. Just like water, diuretics will just clean your body of THC marijuana temporarily.
- Vinegar – there is an age old remedy that when you drink in vinegar, it will get rid of THC in your body. It is definitely wrong. The truth is, vinegar will simply level down the PH content of your urine.
- Dexatrim – there is also an age old remedy that an active element of Dexarim which is called phenylpropanolamine will be helpful compared to others. But this is unquestionably not right.
- Fiber – A high fiber diet may help only for a short period of time. The fiber dieting that you will eat will pass on on the fat soluble metabolites to your colon instead of to your bladder.
Those are the various myths around home remedies for you to pass a drug test. It is indeed sad that there are still many people who follow these false home remedies. The optimal means for you to pass a drug test is very easy: just do not use any of them. Instead enjoy the many legal highs and legal buds available. Non of these will make you fail a drug test, and provide you with comparable effects.
Incoming search terms for the article:
- Herbal Incense Urine Test
- kush herbal incense drug test
i know there are some legal buds that work especially if they have the k2 chemical sprayed on,however i recently ordered from legalbuds.com and i feel very cheated on my purchase.got the new bubblegum cush and some of the green and all me and some friends recieved was a headache,nothing close to what they advertize,nothing close to real buds it was a sticky mess of i dont know what.smoked 3 bowls and threw the rest into campfire.pure garbage ripoff and i know some other sites that false advertize also.black momba and mr spicy are expensive but good.wont find nothing like that at legalbuds.com.they should be charged with a crime for selling that crap.