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Posted on Aug 30
by Frater Oz in Bud News, Culture

Is Kratom Legal?

The answer is both yes and no. Kratom is uncontrolled in the United States. That means that on a Federal level every part of the plant and its extracts are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, have and distribute. "Distribute" means sell, trade or give without a license or prescription....

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Posted on Aug 28

Amanita Muscaria – The Other Magic Mushroom

,Amanita Muscaria contains no psilocybin, yet still produces altered states. Classified as a deliriant; Psychedelic it's psychoative properties come from the chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. It produces a distinctly different trip than psilocybin mushrooms. It's commonly referred to as the Fly Agaric mushroom or the Fly Amanita mushroom. ...

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Posted on Sep 27
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Where To Buy Legal Bud

Where to buy legal bud? Their are many places that sell legal buds. Not all are the same. Some provide an excellent legal bud that is top notch. Others sell total shit that at best gives you a monster headache. Do your research on buying legal buds. The best policy is to go with a well known company when buying...

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Posted on Sep 20
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Our Legal Bud Reviews

Our legal bud reviews are base on a set of five criteria. Not all legal buds are the same, so we pick a variety and use criteria that can be applied to all our legal bud reviews. Criteria #1 for our bud reviews... What does it look like? When doing our legal bud reviews both the appearance of the bud as well as...

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Posted on Jul 23
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Benefits To Using A Vaporizer

Inhaling legal bud smoke is the fastest route into your blood stream. Research shows that inhaling legal bud smoke causes severe harm to the lungs. Studies conducted in Australia show that 95% of the herbs in legal bud is absorbed in the first few seconds of inhaling. Holding the smoke a little longer permits more tar and other harmful chemicals...

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Posted on Jul 06
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Bath Salts Blamed For Streaking Streak

What's the best kind of crime? Naked crime of course. Bath Salts take another as they are blamed for a rash of "naked crimes." Stick to the proven Legal Buds folks....or else your butt on TV. ddiction specialists suspect that so-called “bath salts” may be playing a part in an outbreak of crimes committed by naked people. After a series of...

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Posted on Jun 27
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Baby Soaps And Shampoos Trigger Positive Marijuana Tests

Commonly used baby soaps and shampoos, including products from Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno and CVS, can trigger a positive result on newborns’ marijuana screening tests, according to a recent study. A minute amount of the cleansing products in a urine sample — just 0.1 milliliters or less — was found to cause a positive...

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Posted on Jun 25
by Frater Oz in Bud News

Know Your Rights

This is a video of routine traffic stop. At the start of the video the police officer approaches the car to inform the driver that his license had come back clear and that he would not be writing him a red light ticket. The officer proceeds to bring up a previous minor marijuana collar and asks the driver if he...

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Posted on Jun 20
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Legal Bud Company International Oddities Supplies Movie Stunt Buds for New Film High School

When production for new movie High School kicked into "HIGH" gear, the company contacted International Oddities' Movie Department about providing look-alike movie "stunt" buds. A veteran supplier for Hollywood's smoking movies, International Oddities quickly assembled the requested legal bud and shipped a quantity of both large and small buds that were indeed legal, in a variety of...

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Posted on Jun 19
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Study shows no evidence medical marijuana increases teen drug use

While marijuana use by teens has been increasing since 2005, an analysis of data from 1993 through 2009 by economists at three universities has found no evidence to link the legalization of medical marijuana to increased use of the drug among high school...

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Posted on Jun 19
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Spice dealers go underground

Spice — a form of synthetic marijuana — was the topic of a press conference DeKalb County District Attorney Mike O’Dell held in early May. O’Dell told the media 30 people in DeKalb County had developed kidney problems from the drug and some even required...

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Posted on Jun 19
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Gov. Snyder Expected to Sign K-2, Spice Ban Into Law

Gov. Rick Snyder is expected today to sign a package of bills that will outlaw the synthetic drugs known as K-2 or...

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Posted on May 30
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Don’t Go Zombie

Ordering these bath salts and suspect herbal incense is a recipe for disaster. Most of these products are sold by fly-by-night companies who have no interest in your safety or health. These companies get a hold of god only knows research chemicals and lace their "bath salts" and "incense" with them. These laced products are responsible for countless deaths and...

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Posted on May 20
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Legal Bud And Herbal Incense Prices For May 2012

Here are the prices for Legal Buds and Herbal Incense for May 2012. The best deals so far are Splice Incense for $25.00 for 6 grams. The price for legal buds have held and are the same as last month. If you have any to add post them in the...

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Posted on May 13
by Frater Oz in Bud News
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Herb Incense

Herb Incense is a mixture of botanical herbs that have a psychotropic effect producing a mild euphoria. Most are not addictive and can not be tested for in standard drug test. Herb incense can be purchased online and sometimes be found in head...

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Posted on May 03
by Frater Oz in Bud News, Medical Marijuana
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May 2012 List Of Medical Marijuana States

As of May 2012 16 states and DC that have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana. Marijuana is still banned throughout the USA at the federal level with no expectations of...

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