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You're browsing: Legal Bud Reviews » Herbal Incense,Reader Reviews » Happy Hour Herbal Incense Reviews

Happy Hour Herbal Incense Reviews

Posted on Sep 21 in Herbal Incense, Reader Reviewsby Frater OzPrintText Resizer Text Resizer

A massive thanks to InPraiseOfBacchus for this awesome review of Happy Hour Herbal Incense

“Happy Hour is our new economical product for those looking for the smooth burn like Wicked X with lower out of pocket, but still a quality medium euphoric potency.  It is manufactured with the highest quality of ingredients and all natural herbs.  Here at it is always Happy Hour”
Well, at least that’s what the website said.  I walked into my local shop and perused the various soaps and handmade sandals, and gravitated to the display case.  The herbal smoking blends were arranged one a shelf, in their various “Trix Cereal”-esque packages.   Orangey oranges.  Lemoney lemons.  They all looked good, but not all of them actually WERE good.  I had been burned before, but I was broke.  I asked the older, very nice hippy behind the counter “…How much for the ‘Happy Hour’?”  Fifteen dollars later it was mine.
When I got home I opened the container and smelled.  It was very herby with a light perfume scent.  Meh. A 4 at best.  The product itself looked ok.  There were a few stick-like pieces in the, otherwise fluffy, herb.  Fluffy is really what it was.  A one gram container looked like it would make 3-5 bowls.  That could be a good or bad thing depending on the potency.  I’d rate the appearance a 7 on a 10 point scale.
I packed a bowl.  I have a typhoon pipe I enjoy using, and I was using it this time as well.  The smoke was smooth on the entry.  The taste wasn’t bad, I’d rate it at a 6.  I’ve had better and much worse.  The smell was pleasant.  Somewhat sweet and flowery.  I’d give it a 7.
After 2-3 hits, I was feeling pretty mellow.  No real dizziness. More like a floating feeling.  Which was pretty nice.  I started feeling pretty creative, so I decided to write this review.  I thought about doing some other reviews on the other brands I’ve tried, but thought this should be the first.  The effects lasted 20-25 minutes, I’d say, before a noticeably sharp drop off was felt.  The effects didn’t feel completely wear off until a total of 45 -50 minutes had passed.  Overall, I’d give the effects of this blend a 7.5
For the price, I felt like I got my money’s worth.  I’d developed a tolerance to the other blends I’ve smoked, but I could actually get stoned in 2-3 hits. Cool.
Appearance: 7
Initial Aroma: 4
Taste: 6
Post Aroma: 7
Effects: 7.5
Yeah, it was a positive experience.
Some notes for Incense users:
1.  Use your incense sparingly.  If you’re not used to the brand you bought, or a friend is offering you some you’re not familiar with, take ONE lungful, and then wait 10 minutes.  This will make sure that you know EXACTLY how strong that incense blend is, and allow you to know your limits with it.
2.  Don’t do anything stupid.  Don’t buy this stuff for kids, and don’t drive while using it.  Those are always the two reasons the government uses to ban things…besides “Because we can”  Remember: If you keep your smoke private, you’ll keep your smoke legal.
3.  Research and price shop.  The people that make this stuff aren’t stupid.  If you find a CHEAP blend that works for you, use it.  Once people move away from the overpriced brands, the overall price of the market will shift lower.  That’s one way of keeping these incense blends cheaper than the illegal alternatives.
Alright enjoy.  I’ll write another tomorrow.

Happy Hour Incense Reviews

“Happy Hour is our new economical product for those looking for the smooth burn like Wicked X with lower out of pocket, but still a quality medium euphoric potency.  It is manufactured with the highest quality of ingredients and all natural herbs.  Here at it is always Happy Hour”

Well, at least that’s what the website said.  I walked into my local shop and perused the various soaps and handmade sandals, and gravitated to the display case.  The herbal smoking blends were arranged one a shelf, in their various “Trix Cereal”-esque packages.   Orangey oranges.  Lemoney lemons.  They all looked good, but not all of them actually WERE good.  I had been burned before, but I was broke.  I asked the older, very nice hippy behind the counter “…How much for the ‘Happy Hour’?”  Fifteen dollars later it was mine.

When I got home I opened the container and smelled.  It was very herby with a light perfume scent.  Meh. A 4 at best.  The product itself looked ok.  There were a few stick-like pieces in the, otherwise fluffy, herb.  Fluffy is really what it was.  A one gram container looked like it would make 3-5 bowls.  That could be a good or bad thing depending on the potency.  I’d rate the appearance a 7 on a 10 point scale.

I packed a bowl.  I have a typhoon pipe I enjoy using, and I was using it this time as well.  The smoke was smooth on the entry.  The taste wasn’t bad, I’d rate it at a 6.  I’ve had better and much worse.  The smell was pleasant.  Somewhat sweet and flowery.  I’d give it a 7.

After 2-3 hits, I was feeling pretty mellow.  No real dizziness. More like a floating feeling.  Which was pretty nice.  I started feeling pretty creative, so I decided to write this review.  I thought about doing some other reviews on the other brands I’ve tried, but thought this should be the first.  The effects lasted 20-25 minutes, I’d say, before a noticeably sharp drop off was felt.  The effects didn’t feel completely wear off until a total of 45 -50 minutes had passed.  Overall, I’d give the effects of this blend a 7.5

For the price, I felt like I got my money’s worth.  I’d developed a tolerance to the other blends I’ve smoked, but I could actually get stoned in 2-3 hits. Cool.

Appearance: 7

Initial Aroma: 4

Taste: 6

Post Aroma: 7

Effects: 7.5


Yeah, it was a positive experience.

Some notes for Incense users:

1.  Use your incense sparingly.  If you’re not used to the brand you bought, or a friend is offering you some you’re not familiar with, take ONE lungful, and then wait 10 minutes.  This will make sure that you know EXACTLY how strong that incense blend is, and allow you to know your limits with it.

2.  Don’t do anything stupid.  Don’t buy this stuff for kids, and don’t drive while using it.  Those are always the two reasons the government uses to ban things…besides “Because we can”  Remember: If you keep your smoke private, you’ll keep your smoke legal.

3.  Research and price shop.  The people that make this stuff aren’t stupid.  If you find a CHEAP blend that works for you, use it.  Once people move away from the overpriced brands, the overall price of the market will shift lower.  That’s one way of keeping these incense blends cheaper than the illegal alternatives.

Incoming search terms for the article:

  • herbal incense reviews
  • herbalmagics com happy hour
  • happy hour weed
  • happy hour smoke
  • happy hour incense


  • Annonimous says:

    Please, to anyone that wants to smoke this…. DON’T DO IT!!! The high you get from this is extremely HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!

  • AP says:

    ive been a pot head for years and i started smoking this stuff as an alternative when i couldnt find anything…..but i find the high of this to the equivalent to downing 2 beers doing a huge line of cocaine and smoking a blunt to your head all in a minute or 2…but thats if yuo smoke too much too quickly….if you smoke bowls: take a hit every 5-10 minutes, if you smoke joints same thing….if you smoke too much too quickly youll be very paranoid, disoriented, unsettled, anxious, possibly naseous

    i recomend staying away period….definately not good for you anyway, an inert plant with chemicals sprayed on it is no good

  • Link says:

    just bought something in the Portland, OR. area called Ultra Scentsez (Scentse2?) Potpourri. I’ve tried learning more about it on the internet but don’t get any hits at all. weird. It is in a small round see thru plastic container with a black lid.

  • Johnny says:

    Happy Hour is crazy. I used to smoke it everyday until I decided to use some power hitters(bong, gas mask etc) It gave me a crazy high wich made me feel like I was going to die. My heart felt like it was goin to beat right outside my chest. It also gave me a trippy feeling as if I were on Salvia. Shit, I’m a pot head and I’ll admit that. But this is nothing like the high you get off weed. It mad me feel the highest I’ve ever been in my life. The fucked up part is I dont even know what’s gettin me high like that. It’s gotta be bad for you. Be careful to who ever smoke’s this. If you have heart problems DO NOT smoke it. Good luck to all you stoners out their I’m just gonna wait until my probation period ends to smoke the real thing. This shit is lets say scary.

  • Zev says:

    i recently tried this and I have to say its the closest thing I have ever tried to real thing. I would highly recommend this product to anyone. you will be laughing, having fun with friends. Great for meditation and journeying. Do not drive on this. For me within 1 hit I felt it within 5 minutes. Lasts around 20 minutes then it was just gone. No residual effect what so ever.

    I do not recommend any more than 2 hits of this product. Use sparingly.

  • happy hour says:

    What a bunch of pansi’s. I’ve been smoking this happy hour for a while and yeah u get stupid u get aweful results!! Really? A gas mask? Wtf! Be smart and I’ll see its legal and better than pot ever was!! And no cops!! Keep ur smoke private and lets keep it legal!!!

  • Smoker says:

    I’ve been smoking this stuff ever sence it came out. When i was introduced to it i was very sceptic about it even working. I took my first hit and instantly started to get high and was in shock that it had the same effects as “the real stuff” and was hooked instantly. Now sence the DEA had banned it a couple times i believe they had to change some of the chemicals just to keep it on the shelves. when i started i had no problems, Now i think i’m starting to have complications from it. I felt like my heart would beat out my chest and then slow down to the point it would almost stop, not good at all. This product actually has me scared to mess with it anymore. I don’t like the feeling i get from it anymore and have stopped completely.

    I guess it does depend on the individual, it’s not for me anymore. i have no idea what they’re putting in this stuff and i don’t think it’s they same as when it started.

  • Anonymous says:

    First of all marijuana contain carcinogenic effects on the body and smoking it is a chemical process. Happy Hour in excess = not very happy smoker. Everything is moderation with marijuana and Happy Hour. If you smoke too much marijuana you get paranoid, your heart races and you feel light headed and spacey. DUH! You people are acting like the effects of smoking too much Happy Hour are different? Same effects and chemicals involved so quit crying like a bunch of babies!

  • Anonymous says:

    It angers me that the FDA passes this stuff, but they won’t legalize the real drug. Its stupid.

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